Monday, February 27, 2017

What Up

TAZ here from SNGTV! 👾

What's up gamers?! 🎮

So, if you are here on purpose, you've probably already seen my channel.
                      (Yay! 😁)

If not, you'll find a link below.
          (How did you end up here? 😝😜)

Anyways, here's the story behind SNGTV so far:

My son has been gaming for a long time, which is crazy to think about because he's not even in grade 1 yet.
So, he loves everything game related.
The first game that he ever asked for was the board game version of Pac-Man.
From like the 80's- you know that one?
Lucky that Santa could find that for him! Because Mum here found it next to impossible!
But good ole Santa came through in the end. 😉
Next came Minecraft, Mario, Castle Crashers...I can't even get very specific. From GameBoy to XBOX to computer to app games- he plays them all.
So, it really is my sons fault for getting me into watching game play or walk through videos on YouTube. 😆😝👍
We love watching Dan from The Diamond Minecart's videos, and he adores Ethan from EthanGamerTV.
So much so, that my son was very inspired to start his own channel.

We took the next step that made the most sense: We worked together on a gaming video (he did everything- I did the editing, lol).
As soon as it was ready, I set his gaming channel up on YouTube, and we uploaded his first video.
(It's a Minecraft video of him playing a mini game on a Minecraft server. You can watch it on his channel).
I was impressed with the instant hits that it got.
I watched a few more YouTube videos.
Then thought, why not?
I set up my own channel.

After doing a couple of videos of custom Minecraft maps, I realized that I really enjoyed what I was doing.

A few more videos later, here I am, addicted!

Now, I'm not saying that I'll be the next DanTDM, but that would be sweet, wouldn't it?

This last week has been a fun learning experience for me as far as video editing and software goes.
So many things to learn!
Thanks to everyone who viewed, liked, and subscribed this week!

You're all awesome!


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Please visit our YouTube channels below!